5/2 WODMay 3, 20221 min readWarm-up for the followingUndertakerEvery 2 Minutes for 15 Rounds:1 Deadlift1 Power Clean1 Front Squat1 Clean & Jerk
Warm-up for the followingUndertakerEvery 2 Minutes for 15 Rounds:1 Deadlift1 Power Clean1 Front Squat1 Clean & Jerk
3/13 WODEMOM 40 Minutes Minute #1 - Cal Bike Minute #2 - :50s Battle Ropes Minute #3 - :40s Sandbag Slam Ball Clean Minute #4 - 15 Hand Release...
3/12 WODSnatch 5x2 RPE 6.5 2 Minutes Rest Between Sets Then Overhead Squat 3x5 RPE 7 Rest 1:30 Then For Time Round 1 42/35 - Cal Row 21 Push...
3/11 WODStrict Press 6x2 RPE 6.5 1:30-2:00 Minutes Rest THen Seated Dumbbell Strict Press 3x12 RPE 8 1 Minute Rest Then Every 3 Minutes for 4...