1/17 WODJan 16, 20231 min readWarm-up for the following.Grip, Pull, Turn Over 20 Minute ClockSnatch ProgressionThenAMRAP 5 - Minutes x36 Muscle Snatches (45/35)9 Burpees6 Barbell Snatch High-Pulls (45/35)90s Rest Between AMRAPS
Warm-up for the following.Grip, Pull, Turn Over 20 Minute ClockSnatch ProgressionThenAMRAP 5 - Minutes x36 Muscle Snatches (45/35)9 Burpees6 Barbell Snatch High-Pulls (45/35)90s Rest Between AMRAPS
3/14 WODWarm up for the following: 18 Minute AMRAP: 7 Hang Power Cleans (155/115) 14 Hand Release Push-ups 21 Box Jumps (24/20) ....Direcly...
3/13 WODEMOM 40 Minutes Minute #1 - Cal Bike Minute #2 - :50s Battle Ropes Minute #3 - :40s Sandbag Slam Ball Clean Minute #4 - 15 Hand Release...
3/12 WODSnatch 5x2 RPE 6.5 2 Minutes Rest Between Sets Then Overhead Squat 3x5 RPE 7 Rest 1:30 Then For Time Round 1 42/35 - Cal Row 21 Push...