everlong fitness
Everlong Fitness was opened in 2017, and is owned by Lili Reynoso - a board certified ob/gyn. She believes that fitness is not just a hobby, but a way of life. She and her family founded the gym to be a second home for all of our members. Whether you exercise every day, or you’ve never stepped into a gym before, Everlong Fitness can help shape the new you. We want to be your next workout partner. Call us today!
Our Classes
- 22 US dollars
- 22 US dollars
- 22 US dollars
- 22 US dollars
- 22 US dollars
- 22 US dollars
- 22 US dollars
Join everlong and improve your mind and body!
Some people enjoy working out alone. That's not us. There are no strangers at Everlong, and we treat you like family. We invest in our members and want them to be a part of our small yet diverse community. Our members have an unspoken way of holding each other accountable while also supporting and encouraging one another. Working hard in a group setting, with people whom you trust and admire, makes for a more enjoyable fitness journey - regardless of the stage you find yourself in, on any given day.
How do you define fitness? At Everlong we believe that fitness is a way of life. It's a commitment to yourself, a mindset that helps keep you focused on staying healthy over the course of a lifetime. We want to be healthier for ourselves, for our families, and provide inspiration to others. Fitness at Everlong is about setting long term goals, being patient and investing in yourself. It's about reaping the rewards of never giving up, and not beating yourself up when you take a few steps backwards.
Form over everything else. At Everlong we want our members to learn to do EVERYTHING correctly. Squats. Rowing. Deadlifts. Jump Rope. Kettlebell Swings. You name it and we'll find a way to throw it at you, but first we'll make sure you know how to do it correctly. And, if you don't, we will modify, modify, modify so you can work your way to it. We like to lift heavy weights, we love HIIT and endurance style workouts. If you don't know terms like EMOM, AMRAP, METCON, and TABATA, you will soon enough. And, if you do, you'll fit right in.
5:30PM - 7:30PM
5AM - 7AM
5:30PM - 6:30PM
6:45AM - 9AM